Hispanic International Missions, Inc.
We have established a not for profit corporation, Hispanic International Missions, Inc., for any who wish to contribute to the work we intend to do in Costa Rica. Initially, our work will involve translation, printing and distribution of Spanish literature. Ultimately, we hope to establish indigenous churches in Central America. If God lays this need on your heart, please let us hear from you.
Our Beliefs
We believe every word in every part of the sixty-six books of the Bible is the inspired Word of God.
We believe there are three persons in the Godhead, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. These three are one God, the same in essence and equal in authority and dignity.
We believe God an eternal Spirit who is unchangeable in His being, wisdom, holiness, sovereignty, power, justice, goodness and truth.
We believe Jesus, the Christ, is the eternal Word of God. When everything else that exists began to be, He already existed with God the Father as God. Since He became flesh, He is fully human and fully divine. God's anointed one, acting as the High Priest of His people, secured eternal salvation for believers by the sacrifice for Himself on the cross. He rose from the dead in a body of flesh just as the Scriptures had prophesied He would. He now makes intercession for us in His Father's presence in the heavens.
We believe the Holy Spirit is more than a force but possesses all the elements of personality. It was he who inspired the Scriptures and guided holy men into all the truth as thy wrote. He who is eternal in His existence with the Father and the Son has been sent into the world by the Father and the Son as a unique blessing of the New Covenant. He is the down payment of the full inheritance of God's chosen people. It was He who granted extraordinary gifts (some of which have now ceased) for the establishment of the New Covenant church and continues to give gifts necessary for the maintenance of the church. He sanctifies us, teaches us, controls us, enlivens us and helps us in every aspect of our lives on earth.
We believe we are sinners by nature and by choice. Because we are sinners, we are guilty before God and defiled by sin. By nature, we are so twisted by sin we can neither provide salvation for ourselves nor choose to receive the salvation Jesus has accomplished for His people.
We believe God's choice of some unworthy sinners to become His everlasting heirs was based not on faith or some other virtue he foresaw in them. It was based on His unfathomable wisdom and sovereign good pleasure.
We believe God enables sinners He has chosen for Himself to believe the gospel by calling them internally. By this call, He enables us to turn from our sins and receive Jesus as our Savior. This faith does not form any part of our justification before God but is merely the means through which we receive God's gift.
We believe water baptism is for believers only, by immersion only. It has no saving value but is merely an outward expression of the work of grace God has done in our hearts.
We believe God will enable all those He has chosen, redeemed, called, regenerated, and justified to persevere in faith and obedience until the end.
We believe the Lord Jesus is coming again in power and great glory to execute vengeance on the ungodly and to usher His redeemed into everlasting glory.
The contact e-mail address we will use in Costa Rica is vseiver@hotmail.com. The address of H.I.M. in the U. S. is C/O Randolph Fagen, 850 Ave. Y N.W. Winter Haven, FL 33881
Notwithstanding the fact that my own baptism was by immersion, I just can't come to terms with "immersion" as being the only right way to be baptized. As you say, it is not "saving", but merely a sign or expression. Bottom line: I may someday be proven wrong, but I believe when it comes time for a true Christian to pass from here to heaven, it won't make an iota of difference how that person was baptized.
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