A Seeker Sensitive Inquiry
A few days ago, the eight presuppositions I listed as the basis for the Seeker Friendly Movement were published at another blog site. The host invited those who posted there to comment on whether they believed the devotees of the Seeker Friendly/Seeker Sensitive Movement actually subscribed to these presuppositions. A few responded; some were favorable in their comments, others recoiled violently from the idea that anyone in the movement actually held to such preposterous presuppositions. In my heart, I honestly wish I could believe they are right. I would like nothing better than to believe these folks are not trying to do an end run around the purposes of God. What a wonderful blessing it would be if those who are being reached by this movement were actually being nourished by the precious truths revealed in the Bible. If this is the case, here is your opportunity to set me straight. Just respond to the following questions based on the presuppositions I suggested. As much as possible, please give biblical references [from a real translation of the Bible, not a paraphrase] to support your comments. I am excited about reading what you have to say.
1. If you don’t believe church growth is your responsibility, why do you spend so much time and energy studying modern marketing strategies and devising exciting new programs designed to swell the size of your churches? Rick Warren wrote, “The church that doesn’t want to grow is saying to the world: ‘You can go to hell.’” Is it about the church getting bigger or about the church growing deeper so that the Lord adds those who are being saved?
2. If you don’t believe God’s program for evangelism needs a major overhaul, and needs marketing help from us, why all the emphasis on new ways to market the gospel? Do you believe the number and identity of those whom God intends to save will be increased or diminished by anything we do? If you truly don’t believe anything you are doing is going to change the ultimate outcome, why are you changing things?
3. If you don’t really believe the assembly of God’s people is the proper forum for evangelism, why is it that everything in your “church services” seems geared to the preferences of the unconverted? In what forum do you seek to deepen believers by indoctrinating them in the foundational truths of the Christian faith?
4. Do you believe fewer people will be converted if we continue to “do church” in the traditional way? If you don’t believe that, why change? If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.
5. Do you believe paraphrases of Scripture, even ones that are not faithful to the text, are authoritative? If not, why do you use them as your authority? If not as your authority, then why use them?
6. If proclaiming the whole counsel of God [I take that to mean everything God has revealed in the Scripture] is important to you, why is it you seem to conceal major doctrines of the Bible? Paul wrote, “. . .We believe, therefore we speak.” If you believe preaching all the counsel of God is important, why do you seem to confine your preaching to mending human relationships and to money? Why so much emphasis on convincing the unconverted that they can have fun in church? Is that what it is really all about?
7. If you don’t truly believe “if it is working, it must be good,” why is it that some of your devotees argue against those who preach doctrine and seek to practice biblical principles based on the fact that the latter are loosing adherents? If revealed truth is the standard of right or wrong, success or failure, does whether people flock to it or not make any difference?
8. If biblical conversion is important, why is it that your leaders address unbelievers as though they were believers, applying biblical promises to them as though these promises belonged to them? Tell me how I am wrong in my impression that you believe if a sinner hangs around Christians long enough, Christianity will just sort of rub off on him. Where is the call for a radical break with sin in the literature of this movement? Do you as a SS advocate believe conversion will only occur in response to God doing a work of sovereign regeneration in the sinner’s heart, giving him the ability to believe and turn from his sins?
Please make your comments pithy but complete.
1. If you don’t believe church growth is your responsibility, why do you spend so much time and energy studying modern marketing strategies and devising exciting new programs designed to swell the size of your churches? Rick Warren wrote, “The church that doesn’t want to grow is saying to the world: ‘You can go to hell.’” Is it about the church getting bigger or about the church growing deeper so that the Lord adds those who are being saved?
2. If you don’t believe God’s program for evangelism needs a major overhaul, and needs marketing help from us, why all the emphasis on new ways to market the gospel? Do you believe the number and identity of those whom God intends to save will be increased or diminished by anything we do? If you truly don’t believe anything you are doing is going to change the ultimate outcome, why are you changing things?
3. If you don’t really believe the assembly of God’s people is the proper forum for evangelism, why is it that everything in your “church services” seems geared to the preferences of the unconverted? In what forum do you seek to deepen believers by indoctrinating them in the foundational truths of the Christian faith?
4. Do you believe fewer people will be converted if we continue to “do church” in the traditional way? If you don’t believe that, why change? If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.
5. Do you believe paraphrases of Scripture, even ones that are not faithful to the text, are authoritative? If not, why do you use them as your authority? If not as your authority, then why use them?
6. If proclaiming the whole counsel of God [I take that to mean everything God has revealed in the Scripture] is important to you, why is it you seem to conceal major doctrines of the Bible? Paul wrote, “. . .We believe, therefore we speak.” If you believe preaching all the counsel of God is important, why do you seem to confine your preaching to mending human relationships and to money? Why so much emphasis on convincing the unconverted that they can have fun in church? Is that what it is really all about?
7. If you don’t truly believe “if it is working, it must be good,” why is it that some of your devotees argue against those who preach doctrine and seek to practice biblical principles based on the fact that the latter are loosing adherents? If revealed truth is the standard of right or wrong, success or failure, does whether people flock to it or not make any difference?
8. If biblical conversion is important, why is it that your leaders address unbelievers as though they were believers, applying biblical promises to them as though these promises belonged to them? Tell me how I am wrong in my impression that you believe if a sinner hangs around Christians long enough, Christianity will just sort of rub off on him. Where is the call for a radical break with sin in the literature of this movement? Do you as a SS advocate believe conversion will only occur in response to God doing a work of sovereign regeneration in the sinner’s heart, giving him the ability to believe and turn from his sins?
Please make your comments pithy but complete.
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